
PHP mongodb 操作类

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PHP mongodb 操作类


namespace Mongodb;

class Mongo_db
 private $config;
 private $hostname;
 private $port = 27017;
 private $database;
 private $username;
 private $password;
 private $debug = false;

 private $collection = '';
 private $selects;
 private $wheres;
 private $updates;
 private $limit = 999999;
 private $offset = 0;
 private $sorts;

 private $manager;
 private $result;

 public function __construct($config)
 $this->config = $config;

 * 预处理
 private function prepareConfig()
 if (isset($this->config['hostname'])) {
 $this->hostname = trim($this->config['hostname']);
 if (isset($this->config['port'])) {
 $this->port = trim($this->config['port']);
 if (!empty($this->config['username'])) {
 $this->username = trim($this->config['username']);
 if (!empty($this->config['password'])) {
 $this->password = trim($this->config['password']);
 if (isset($this->config['database'])) {
 $this->database = trim($this->config['database']);
 if (isset($this->config['db_debug'])) {
 $this->debug = $this->config['db_debug'];

 * 链接
 private function connect()
 try {
 if (strstr($this->hostname, ',')) {
 $dsn = "mongodb://{$this->hostname}/{$this->database}";

 }else {
 $dsn = "mongodb://{$this->hostname}:{$this->port}/{$this->database}";

 $options = array(
 'username' => $this->username,
 'password' => $this->password
 $this->manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager($dsn, $options);
 } catch (\Exception $e) {

 * 获取当前连接
 * @return mixed
 public function getManager()
 return $this->manager;

 * @param mixed $collection
 public function getCollection(): string
 return $this->collection;

 * 获取查询所需胡字段
 * @return array
 public function getSelects(): array
 return $this->selects;

 * 获取条件
 * @return array
 public function getWheres(): array
 return $this->wheres;

 * 获取更新内容
 * @return array
 public function getUpdates(): array
 return $this->updates;

 * 获取条数
 * @return int
 public function getLimit(): int
 return $this->limit;

 * 获取偏移量
 * @return int
 public function getOffset(): int
 return $this->offset;

 * 获取排序
 * @return array
 public function getSorts(): array
 return $this->sorts;

 * @param mixed $collection
 public function setCollection(string $collection)
 $this->collection = $collection;

 * @param array $selects
 public function setSelects(array $selects)
 $this->selects = $selects;

 * @param array $wheres
 public function setWheres(array $wheres)
 $this->wheres = $wheres;

 * @param array $updates
 public function setUpdates(array $updates)
 $this->updates = $updates;

 * @param int $limit
 public function setLimit(int $limit)
 $this->limit = $limit;

 * @param int $offset
 public function setOffset(int $offset)
 $this->offset = $offset;

 * @param array $sorts
 public function setSorts(array $sorts)
 $this->sorts = $sorts;

 * @param $database
 * @return $this
 public function switch_db($database)
 $this->database = $database;
 return $this;

 * @param $table
 * @return $this
 public function collection($collection)
 $this->collection = $collection;
 return $this;

 * @param $collection
 * @return Mongo_db
 public function table($collection)
 return $this->collection($collection);

 * 增
 * @param array $document
 * @param string $wstring
 * @param int $wtimeout
 * @return mixed
 public function insert(
 $document = array(),
 $wstring = \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY,
 $wtimeout = 1000)
 try {
 $wc = new \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern($wstring, $wtimeout);
 $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite();
 $dbc = $this->database . '.' . $this->collection;
 $result = $this->manager->executeBulkWrite($dbc, $bulk, $wc);
 $this->result = $result;
 return $result->getInsertedCount();
 } catch (\Exception $e) {

 * 批量添加
 * @param array $documents
 * @param string $wstring
 * @param int $wtimeout
 * @return mixed
 public function batch_insert(
 $documents = array(),
 $wstring = \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY,
 $wtimeout = 1000)
 try {
 $wc = new \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern($wstring, $wtimeout);
 $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite();
 foreach ($documents as $k => $document) {
 $dbc = $this->database . '.' . $this->collection;
 $result = $this->manager->executeBulkWrite($dbc, $bulk, $wc);
 $this->result = $result;
 return $result->getInsertedCount();
 } catch (\Exception $e) {

 * 删
 * @param array $deleteOptions
 * @param string $wstring
 * @param int $wtimeout
 * @return mixed
 public function delete(
 $deleteOptions = ["limit" => 1],
 $wstring = \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY,
 $wtimeout = 1000
 try {
 $wc = new \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern($wstring, $wtimeout);
 $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite();
 $filter = $this->wheres;
 if (count($filter) < 1 && $deleteOptions['limit'] == 1) {
 throw new \Exception('filter is error!');
 $bulk->delete($filter, $deleteOptions);
 $dbc = $this->database . '.' . $this->collection;
 $result = $this->manager->executeBulkWrite($dbc, $bulk, $wc);
 $this->result = $result;
 return $result->getDeletedCount();
 } catch
 (\Exception $e) {

 * 删除所有
 * @param array $deleteOptions
 * @param string $wstring
 * @param int $wtimeout
 * @return mixed
 public function delete_all(
 $deleteOptions = ["limit" => 0],
 $wstring = \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY,
 $wtimeout = 1000
 return $this->delete($deleteOptions, $wstring, $wtimeout);

 * 更新
 * @param array $updateOptions
 * @param string $wstring
 * @param int $wtimeout
 public function update(
 $updateOptions = ['multi' => false, 'upsert' => false],
 $wstring = \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY,
 $wtimeout = 1000
 try {
 $wc = new \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern($wstring, $wtimeout);
 $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite();
 $filter = $this->wheres;
 if (count($filter) < 1 && $updateOptions['multi'] == false) {
 throw new \Exception('filter is error!');
 $newObj = $this->updates;
 $dbc = $this->database . '.' . $this->collection;
 $result = $this->manager->executeBulkWrite($dbc, $bulk, $wc);
 $this->result = $result;
 return $result->getModifiedCount();
 } catch (\Exception $e) {

 * 更新所有
 * @param array $updateOptions
 * @param string $wstring
 * @param int $wtimeout
 public function update_all(
 $updateOptions = ['multi' => true, 'upsert' => false],
 $wstring = \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY,
 $wtimeout = 1000
 return $this->update($updateOptions, $wstring, $wtimeout);

 * 查询单条
 * @param null $id
 * @return mixed|null
 public function find($id = null)
 if ($id != null) {
 $this->where('_id', new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID($id));
 $filter = $this->wheres;
 $options = [
 'projection' => $this->selects,
 "sort" => $this->sorts,
 "skip" => 0,
 "limit" => 1,
 $query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, $options);
 $dbc = $this->database . '.' . $this->collection;
 $documents = $this->manager->executeQuery($dbc, $query);
 $this->result = $documents;
 $returns = null;
 foreach ($documents as $document) {
 $bson = \MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP($document);
 $returns = json_decode(\MongoDB\BSON\toJSON($bson), true);
 return $returns;

 * command
 * @param $db
 * @param $commands
 * @return mixed
 public function command($db, $commands)
 try {
 $cursor = $this->manager->executeCommand($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 return $cursor;
 } catch (\Exception $e) {

 public function dropDatabase()
 $cmd = array(
 'dropDatabase' => 1,
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command($cmd);
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 $response = current($cursor->toArray());
 return $response;

 public function drop_collection()
 $cmd = array(
 'drop' => $this->collection,
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command($cmd);
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 $response = current($cursor->toArray());
 return $response;

 public function add_index($key, $name = 'index')
 $cmd = array(
 'createIndexes' => $this->collection,
 'indexes' => array(
 'name' => $name,
 'key' => $key,
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command($cmd);
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 $response = current($cursor->toArray());
 return $response;

 public function remove_index($index)
 $cmd = array(
 'dropIndexes' => $this->collection,
 'index' => $index
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command($cmd);
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 $response = current($cursor->toArray());
 return $response;

 public function list_indexes()
 $cmd = array(
 'listIndexes' => $this->collection,
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command($cmd);
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 return $cursor;

 public function aggregate($commands)
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command(
 'aggregate' => $this->collection,
 'pipeline' => [$commands]
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 $response = current($cursor->toArray())->result;
 return $response;

 * @param $key
 * @return mixed
 public function distinct($key)
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command(
 'distinct' => $this->collection,
 'key' => $key,
 'query' => $this->wheres
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 $response = current($cursor->toArray())->values;
 return $response;

 * count
 * @return mixed
 public function count()
 $db = $this->database;
 $commands = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command(
 "count" => $this->collection,
 "query" => $this->wheres
 $cursor = $this->command($db, $commands);
 $this->result = $cursor;
 $response = $cursor->toArray()[0];
 return $response->n;

 * 查
 * @return mixed
 public function get()
 try {
 $filter = (array)$this->wheres;
 $options = [
 'projection' => (array)$this->selects,
 "sort" => (array)$this->sorts,
 "skip" => (int)$this->offset,
 "limit" => (int)$this->limit,
 $query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, $options);
 $dbc = $this->database . '.' . $this->collection;
 $documents = $this->manager->executeQuery($dbc, $query);
 $this->result = $documents;
 $returns = array();
 foreach ($documents as $document) {
 $bson = \MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP($document);
 $returns[] = json_decode(\MongoDB\BSON\toJSON($bson), true);
 return $returns;
 } catch (\Exception $e) {

 * @param $fields
 * @param null $value
 * @return $this
 public function set($fields, $value = NULL)
 if (is_string($fields)) {
 $this->updates['$set'][$fields] = $value;
 } elseif (is_array($fields)) {
 foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
 $this->updates['$set'][$field] = $value;
 return $this;

 * 要获取的字段
 * @param $wheres
 * @param null $value
 * @return $this
 public function field($includes = array(), $excludes = array())
 if (!is_array($includes)) {
 $includes = array();
 if (!is_array($excludes)) {
 $excludes = array();
 if (!empty($includes)) {
 foreach ($includes as $col) {
 $this->selects[$col] = 1;
 if (!empty($excludes)) {
 foreach ($excludes as $col) {
 $this->selects[$col] = 0;
 return $this;

 * 条件
 * @param $wheres
 * @param null $value
 * @return $this
 public function where($wheres, $value = null)
 if (is_array($wheres)) {
 foreach ($wheres as $wh => $val) {
 $this->wheres[$wh] = $val;
 } else {
 $this->wheres[$wheres] = $value;
 return $this;

 public function where_in($field = "", $in = array())
 $this->wheres[$field]['$in'] = $in;
 return $this;

 public function where_in_all($field = "", $in = array())
 $this->wheres[$field]['$all'] = $in;
 return $this;

 public function where_or($wheres = array())
 foreach ($wheres as $wh => $val) {
 $this->wheres['$or'][] = array($wh => $val);
 return $this;

 public function where_not_in($field = "", $in = array())
 $this->wheres[$field]['$nin'] = $in;
 return $this;

 public function where_gt($field = "", $x)
 $this->wheres[$field]['$gt'] = $x;
 return $this;

 public function where_gte($field = "", $x)
 $this->wheres[$field]['$gte'] = $x;
 return $this;

 public function where_lt($field = "", $x)
 $this->wheres[$field]['$lt'] = $x;
 return $this;

 public function where_lte($field = "", $x)
 $this->wheres[$field]['$lte'] = $x;
 return $this;

 public function where_between($field = "", $x, $y)
 $this->wheres[$field]['$gte'] = $x;
 $this->wheres[$field]['$lte'] = $y;
 return $this;

 public function where_between_ne($field = "", $x, $y)
 $this->wheres[$field]['$gt'] = $x;
 $this->wheres[$field]['$lt'] = $y;
 return $this;

 public function where_ne($field = '', $x)
 $this->wheres[$field]['$ne'] = $x;
 return $this;

 public function push($fields, $value = array())
 if (is_string($fields)) {
 $this->updates['$push'][$fields] = $value;
 } elseif (is_array($fields)) {
 foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
 $this->updates['$push'][$field] = $value;
 return $this;

 public function addtoset($field, $values)
 if (is_string($values)) {
 $this->updates['$addToSet'][$field] = $values;
 } elseif (is_array($values)) {
 $this->updates['$addToSet'][$field] = array('$each' => $values);
 return $this;

 public function pop($field)
 if (is_string($field)) {
 $this->updates['$pop'][$field] = -1;
 } elseif (is_array($field)) {
 foreach ($field as $pop_field) {
 $this->updates['$pop'][$pop_field] = -1;
 return $this;

 public function pull($field = "", $value = array())
 $this->updates['$pull'] = array($field => $value);
 return $this;

 public function rename_field($old, $new)
 $this->updates['$rename'] = array($old => $new);
 return $this;

 public function unset_field($fields)
 if (is_string($fields)) {
 $this->updates['$unset'][$fields] = 1;
 } elseif (is_array($fields)) {
 foreach ($fields as $field) {
 $this->updates['$unset'][$field] = 1;
 return $this;

 public function inc($fields = array(), $value = 0)
 if (is_string($fields)) {
 $this->updates['$inc'][$fields] = $value;
 } elseif (is_array($fields)) {
 foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
 $this->updates['$inc'][$field] = $value;
 return $this;

 public function mul($fields = array(), $value = 0)
 if (is_string($fields)) {
 $this->updates['$mul'][$fields] = $value;
 } elseif (is_array($fields)) {
 foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
 $this->updates['$mul'][$field] = $value;
 return $this;

 public function max($fields = array(), $value = 0)
 if (is_string($fields)) {
 $this->updates['$max'][$fields] = $value;
 } elseif (is_array($fields)) {
 foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
 $this->updates['$max'][$field] = $value;
 return $this;

 public function min($fields = array(), $value = 0)
 if (is_string($fields)) {
 $this->updates['$min'][$fields] = $value;
 } elseif (is_array($fields)) {
 foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
 $this->updates['$min'][$field] = $value;
 return $this;

 * 排序
 * @param array $fields
 * @return $this
 public function order_by($fields = array())
 foreach ($fields as $col => $val) {
 if ($val == -1 || $val === FALSE || strtolower($val) == 'desc') {
 $this->sorts[$col] = -1;
 } else {
 $this->sorts[$col] = 1;
 return $this;

 * 条数
 * @param int $x
 * @return $this
 public function limit($x = 99999)
 if ($x !== NULL && is_numeric($x) && $x >= 1) {
 $this->limit = (int)$x;
 return $this;

 * 偏移量
 * @param int $x
 * @return $this
 public function offset($x = 0)
 if ($x !== NULL && is_numeric($x) && $x >= 1) {
 $this->offset = (int)$x;
 return $this;

 * 生成mongo时间
 * @param bool $stamp
 * @return \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDatetime
 public function date($stamp = false)
 if ($stamp == false) {
 return new \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDatetime(time() * 1000);
 } else {
 return new \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDatetime($stamp);


 * 生成mongo时间戳
 * @param bool $stamp
 * @return \MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp
 public function timestamp($stamp = false)
 if ($stamp == false) {
 return new \MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp(0, time());
 } else {
 return new \MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp(0, $stamp);

 * 生成mongo uuid
 * @param bool $stamp
 * @return 
 public function uuid($uuid)
 return new \MongoDB\BSON\Binary($uuid,\MongoDB\BSON\Binary::TYPE_UUID);


 * 抛出异常
 * @param $e
 public function showError($e)

Deprecated: strtolower(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/ on line 1032

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